Using a Power of Attorney With a Land Trust

Using a power of attorney with a land trust is a good idea.

A power of attorney, or a POA, allows someone to act on your behalf. This is a good thing to have in case you are out of town or you are unable to act when the need arises.

You may think of a power of attorney as something for your elderly family member who cannot do anything for themselves. However, a POA is also good for those who are running a business and who might be out of town when an action is required.

If you have a land trust with someone close to you, you may need a power of attorney in case you are out of town and need someone to sign documents for you or act on your behalf. Generally, a power of attorney is not designated for a trust. However, there could be cases where you want to name the same person as your trustee and as your attorney-in-fact.

Are Land Trusts Still Effective?

Land trusts are often the unsung heroes of the real estate investing world. You can use them to control assets rather than own them yourself. The land trust is also called a “title holding trust” because that’s it’s main job: hold title to the property in your place. You still get to stay in control of any property associated with your trust, and of course, any earnings generated.

Land trusts can form a critical part of your asset protection strategy; in fact, we prefer creating them anonymously. This type of revocable trust takes the critical first step in asset protection: stripping the title out of your name.

If your attorney tells you that land trusts are not as effective as they once were, they are not educated enough on land trusts. Most attorneys don't know enough about land trusts for them to give you advice on using one. They most likely didn't get this education in law school. Land trusts are just as effective as they once were, if not more effective these days.

roth ira vs 401kWhat States Are Land Trusts Used In?

Land trusts are only used in six states as of now. These states include Illinois, Florida, Virginia, Indiana, Hawaii, and North Dakota. These are the only states that have statutes for land trusts right now. This may be why many attorneys don't know enough or, if anything, about them currently.

Who Should Have Power of Attorney for the Land Trust?

When choosing the best person to use as your power of attorney, trust is what matters. It might be your closest friend or family member. However, if you don't want to use an individual for your land trust, you also have the option to use an institution (which will usually charge you a fee).

So, in short, it is a great idea to use a power of attorney for your land trust in case you need documents signed and you are either unable to do this because you are in the hospital or out of town on a business trip.

Hopefully, these questions and answers helped you learn a little more about land trusts and you are more educated on this effective tool for real estate investors.


Interested in learning more? Check out our articles Do I Need a Durable Power of Attorney? and Do I Need a Medical Power of Attorney?

The Benefit of Using a Power of Attorney With a Land Trust

When it comes to having a land trust with someone you are close to, using a power of attorney with a land trust is a good idea.

A power of attorney, or a POA, is someone who acts on behalf of you. This is a good thing to have in case you are out of town or you are unable to do anything for yourself at the moment. Some people who need a power of attorney may be your elderly family member who cannot think for themselves or do anything for themselves. However, a POA is also good for those who are running a business and are out of town a lot.

If you have a land trust with someone close to you, you may need a power of attorney in case you are out of town and need someone to sign documents for you or act on your behalf for something to do with your business.

Are Land Trusts Still Effective?

If your attorney tells you that land trusts are not as effective as they once were, they are not educated enough on land trusts. Most attorneys don't know enough about land trusts for them to give you advice on using one. They most likely didn't get this education in law school. Land trusts are just as effective as they once were, if not more effective these days.

What States Are Land Trusts Used In?

Land trusts are only used in six states as of now. These states include Illinois, Florida, Virginia, Indiana, Hawaii, and North Dakota. These are the only states that have statutes for land trusts right now. This may be why many attorneys don't know enough or, if anything, about them currently.

Who Should Have Power of Attorney for the Land Trust?

When choosing the best person to use as your power of attorney, trust is what matters. This could be your closest friend or family member. However, if you don't want to use an individual for your land trust, you also have the option to use an institution (which will usually charge you a fee for using them).

So, in short, it is a great idea to use a power of attorney for your land trust in case you need documents signed and you are either unable to do this because you are in the hospital or maybe even out of town on a business trip.

Hopefully, these questions and answers helped you learn a little more about land trusts and you are more educated on this effective tool for real estate investors.