Selling Real Estate 'As Is': Guide For Investors

What are the benefits of selling real estate “as-is”?

If you’re a real estate investor, you need to know what “as-is,” means. Having an “as-is” clause in a real estate contract could potentially save you from many litigation issues down the line. What are the benefits of this type of real estate deal? What are the drawbacks?

In this article, we’ll go over all of that and more, including:

selling real estate as is buster keatonWhat Does It Mean When a Property is Sold As-Is?

If you’ve ever shopped for homes online, chances are you’ve run into a property description that included the phrase “as-is.” Chances are that the house was significantly cheaper than the other houses in the area. Why is that? What does it mean when the owner is selling the property “as-is?”

Selling real estate "as-is" means that it’s being sold in its present condition, without any stipulations that the seller fix this or that. It doesn’t matter if the roof is caving in and the water isn’t running. As long as the seller follows the disclosure laws in his or her respective state, he or she doesn’t have to make any repairs to the home to get it in livable condition. It comes exactly as you see it, or “as-is.”

Here are some quick things you should know about buying and selling real estate as-is:

How does that differ from the traditional real estate sales process?

selling real estate as is old house

Selling Real Estate The Usual Way Goes Like This ...

Many traditional real estate contracts include inspection and appraisal contingencies. Since the deal isn’t 100% in cash, the bank wants to make sure it’s granting a loan on a reasonable investment. These contingencies can also give the buyer the right to back out of the contract if something unexpected pops up, or if the appraiser comes in at a value that’s higher than the sale price.

The biggest differences between selling real estate as-is and selling real estate on the retail market are:

Now that you have a general overview of what that means, let’s dive into who buys and sells these types of properties.

selling real estate as isWhy Would You Sell a House or Rental Property As-Is?

There are plenty of reasons why someone would sell a house or rental property as-is, but they all have one common denominator: they aren’t willing (and/or able) to make repairs to the property before closing.

With that said, here are some common reasons people sell properties as-is:

So, whether it’s through neglect, inheritance from a loved one, or some other reason, the seller doesn’t have the time, interest, or money to fix it up and list it to people who are looking to move in immediately.

Pros and Cons of Selling Real Estate As-Is

Let’s look at the pros and cons of selling real estate as-is.



What You Need to Know if You’re Buying or Selling Real Estate As-Is

If you’re an investor, what are the big takeaways from this article? If you’re selling real estate as-is, then you can avoid a slew of potential litigation issues, particularly in the case of rental property, and you can close deals at a much quicker pace. However, in exchange, you’re sacrificing a higher sales price. Houses that are sold in a more traditional manner might have more fees, but they also typically sell at higher prices.







Photo by Webdexter Apeldoorn from Pexels