How To Protect Your Series LLC: Doing Your Part

The Series LLC is an excellent legal structure. Assuming you're doing your part, you don't have anything to worry about. If you don't know about the Series LLC, read this Series LLC Primer now. Then come back for the rest.

Everyone else, keep reading.

Protecting the series structure of an LLC is much like protecting multiple LLCs. Each series of a Series LLC is treated just like an individual LLC.

This is something you need to remember when you're running your LLC business. Let's imagine you hae a Series LLC with five different series underneath it. You have to treat each series as if they were five different LLC's.

Keep Adequate Records To Protect Your Series LLC

There's a few things you need to do to protect your series LLC.

One is you must track the money for each different series separately. You must keep those records as if the series are their own LLC.

You should also consider having separate bank accounts for each series. While this isn't a requirement, having separate bank accounts will make the accounting process so much easier.

What Happens If You Fail To Keep Adequate Records?

What happens is that all your series will be merged together by the court as if they were all one company. This completely defeats the purpose of the series.

It's not that your LLC will completely go away and then you end up with no protection. It's just now all of your money is in one pool. This cripples your asset protection strategy. Remember, the reason you have a Series LLC is to minimize the amount of money anybody can come after at any one time.

Let's say you find yourself in a lawsuit and the court decides to treat all the series you've made as one company. If all of your series get treated as one company you better believe the attorney for the other side is going to do everything in his or her power to win that lawsuit.

After all, the more assets you have for the taking, the more money an attorney can earn from suing you. Then let's say you actually lose the lawsuit. That's the equivalent of someone winning the power-ball, with the prize pool being all of your assets!

On the other hand, if your series hadn't all been merged together, the majority of your wealth and assets would have been untouched.

So remember: keep separate bank accounts, keep adequate records, and make sure you're doing your part!

If you have any questions about what we just went over don't hesitate to ask me in the comments! I'd be glad to help you by answering any questions you have below. If you want to discuss your unique situation, schedule your personal consultation today.

What's a 'Pass Through Entity' & How Does It Help Real Estate Investors?

A pass-through entity is a business structure, such as an LLC, series LLC, or S corporation. We use the term "pass-through" because you can claim the income of these types of businesses on your personal income tax returns instead of a separate business tax return. Watch the video below and I'll explain:

LLCs Can Function as Pass-Through Entities

The LLC, or Series LLC, has the easiest tax returns for a single member. As a pass-through entity, all of the income from your company can be recorded on your personal income tax return.

That means you won't be taxed twice and or have to pay thousands of dollars to a CPA to file a business tax return. Normally other business structures have to file a business tax return.

Do you and your spouse file joint income tax returns? That's no problem, the above would still apply. But there are some instances where you will have to file a separate return, despite using a pass-through entity. We'll discuss this, and some of the other basics you should know about pass-through entities, below.

The Partnership Return for Multi-Member LLCs

Some states require at least two members in an LLC. Let's say, for example, you and your partner have an LLC. You're going to file what's known as a partnership return. A partnership return is a separate return for the business itself.

Due to the complexity of a partnership return, you're most likely going to want somebody to help you prepare it. I suggest you hire a CPA who is also a real estate investor.

Also note that an LLC is able to be taxed as a corporation. In some instances it can make sense in terms for your operating company to have that LLC taxed as an S corporation. So keep that in mind.

Speaking of real estate LLCs...

Which Pass-Through Entity Is Best For A Real Estate Investor?

The series LLC offers unbeatable asset protection, easy tax filing and is the foundation of a solid asset protection plan.

Say you own 5 properties. Instead of holding all 5 properties in one LLC, with a series LLC you can create a "series" within your LLC. Each series will hold one property.

The benefit of this is if someone sues one of your series and wins, only that one property in that one series will be affected. The majority of your wealth and assets would be protected.

Another great benefit is, no matter how many "series" you have within your LLC, they can all be filed on the same income tax return. This is a huge cost saving benefit you can't get with a regular LLC.

Your IRA Isn't As Safe As You Think It Is: Protect Your IRA

People will tell you that your IRA is safe. I mean come on, it's a retirement account. Yet in reality, they're wrong. Your IRA isn't safe.

The only protection you get by default with an IRA is that it's separate from your personal assets. What this means is someone can't sue you and your IRA at the same time. They'd have to choose to sue either you or your IRA.

But that doesn't make your IRA safe from litigation, especially if your IRA is invested in a lawsuit-prone asset class such as real estate. Also, your IRA is exposed in the sense that it can be disqualified if any of its transactions aren't IRS-approved.

The last thing you want is for the IRS to disqualify your IRA. The penalties are extremely costly.

How Do You Protect Your IRA's Assets?

There are two things you can do to protect your IRA.

The first thing you can do is split your IRA into multiple accounts. Doing this would limit your exposure. For example, if someone sues one of your properties, or if the IRS disqualifies one of your IRA's, the damage would be limited to only one IRA.

The second thing you can do is set up a self-directed IRA with an LLC. I personally like to use a series LLC.  What this allows you to do is take each different asset belonging to your IRA and put it into its own "series." Each series functions as its own LLC.

Let's say someone then sues one of your IRA held assets, which happens to be in a series. Worst case scenario, you lose the lawsuit. In that lawsuit only one of your assets would be affected. The majority of your IRA holdings and wealth will be protected.

Protect Your IRA Properly

By default your IRA is largely unprotected. This means that until you implement asset protection your IRA is exposed to attack, either by the IRS or someone else. If you've invested into multiple properties with your IRA I recommend implementing an asset protection right away.

I hope this information was useful to you, if you have any questions feel free to comment and ask me. Check out my other blogs to learn more about asset protection. If you need help setting up a Self-Directed IRA LLC or asset protection plan, schedule your personal consultation today.

Protect Your Assets With An LLC & Property Management Company

As a real estate investor, your priority is to get a return on your investment. But if someone, most likely a tenant or other business, files a lawsuit against you, your profits and assets will instantly vanish. You have to protect your real estate assets. If you think you can rely on your insurance to protect them, think again. Check out our previous post on why insurance is not asset protection for details on protecting your assets properly.

Would you believe me if I told you there's a new real estate investment method that not only allows you to protect your investments, but also save money and increase your return on investment?

I'm referring to the traditional, single purpose LLC. My new method is simple. First you form an LLC. Then you put your property in it. For each property you have, you form one LLC.

By doing this you'll be able to limit your personal liability and reap tax benefits depending on what state you form your LLCs in. You can form an LLC in any state you choose. Smart investors "shop around" to find the state that suits their needs best.

Let's say you have two LLCs, each one holding one separate property. Note that you can also use a Series LLC for this purpose.

What Happens To My Real Estate Assets If One of My LLCs Gets Sued?

Only the property held in the LLC which is subject to the lawsuit can be used to settle judgments. And that's only if you lose, which is unlikely with me at your side.

But if you do lose your other property will be untouchable, your credit will be safe and nobody will be able to bring down your mini real estate empire.
Protecting your credit is essential. Without good credit you can't get future financing, which means your days of real estate investing will most likely come to an end. One lawsuit can ruin everything you've worked for.

Then there's your family to consider if you have one. By holding your properties in an LLC, you will protect them from the fallout of lawsuits as well.

Using An LLC Alone Won't Completely Protect Your Real Estate Assets

Do you want the greatest level of asset protection? Consider putting your asset protection strategy on steroids by forming a corporation to act as your property management company.

This property management company is completely separate from your LLCs. And for a good reason too!

Let's say you have a contractor or tenant that would sue you. Or anybody else that's in business with your real estate company who would sue you. They would only be able to sue your property management company, because it's separate from your LLCs.

They won't have a single claim against any of your real estate investment properties. This is exactly what you want. If they sue you and win, they'd be lucky to get their legal fees paid. Learn more about how I can  make your real estate investment assets untouchable.

The Series LLC vs. LLC (Traditional): Which Is Better For Investors?

A limited liability company (LLC) is a popular way for real estate investors and other entrepreneurs to file a business entity. The LLC offers owners more flexibility than other types of businesses entities. As its name implies, an LLC also affords owners limited liability that can protect them from incurred debt or lawsuits.

The Series LLC is a type of LLC that has been around since 1996, originally starting in Delaware. The Series LLC has become popular because more and more states are allowing these companies to operate. Similar to a corporate umbrella, a Series LLC has a “parent” LLC with one or more “child” LLCs that are filed beneath it.

How does the Series LLC stack up against the traditional LLC? Keep reading to find out!

Think of the Series LLC as a Parent-Child Relationship

I know that sounds weird. I'll explain.

Series LLCs allow a company to separate and “box” specific assets into various sub-LLCs to isolate them from each other. If a lawsuit is brought against one of the LLCs,  the assets and earnings of the other LLCs are shielded from legal consequences.

Below the Series LLC, you have the series themselves. You'll have series A, series B, etc. The series are what I refer to as the "children," because they all come from the original Series LLC parent. In this way, the Series LLC looks like a family tree.

Let's say you have one Series LLC, a company you will form in the state of Texas. When you form a real estate LLC in Texas it will be recognized as a legitimate company inside of that state. However, unlike most LLCs, yours will outline special provisions in its operating agreement.

And it is through these special provisions that your LLC will have the ability to become a series and have "children". By children, I mean companies within a company. Separate, yet equal.

With a Series LLC, you're able to create as many "children" as you want. Each child is known as a series. This is a powerful advantage because each series is treated separately for liability purposes, just as if it were its own LLC.

As an investor, it's important that you do this from an asset protection point of view. As the saying goes, "never put all your eggs in one basket". I personally think the Series LLC is better than the regular LLC.

Series LLC vs. LLC: The Similarities

A traditional LLC and a series LLC follow the same formation regulations. Articles of formation, and any associated fees, must be filed with the appropriate government body. Most states also require an operating agreement. Both versions of the LLC protect owners from liabilities. Additionally, they do not limit the number of stakeholders or owners and permit non-US citizens to take part in the company.

Series LLC vs. LLC: The Differences

Compared to a normal LLC, A Series LLC is:

And best of all, you'll be able to file each one of your series (no matter how many you have) on the same tax return. This means thousands of dollars a year in tax preparation savings for you.

How can a Series LLC reduce startup and ongoing administrative costs? For example, if you file for a traditional LLC in Kansas, the fee is $160. If you file for a series LLC, the master will cost $250 and each series will be an additional $100. If you want to protect three separate assets from debt and litigation, under a Series LLC, this will cost you $450. To get the same protection from a traditional LLC, you would need to file three separate LLC entities, for a total of $480.

Another great advantage of the Series LLC is that it receives one EIN Number (Tax ID), which is filed underneath the company name. (You won't have to use a new EIN number for each series you create.) This allows you to streamline your tax preparation so you don't have to file taxes for each individual company.

Series LLCs are not recognized by every state. Those that do recognize and permit the formation of a Series LLC may have varying laws that dictate how to do so.

Other states, like California, do not permit Series LLCs to be formed but do recognize those legally established in other states.

If The Series LLC is Better, Why Isn't Every Investor Using It?

It comes down to risk tolerance.

Some people think if a series was subject to a lawsuit that it wouldn't be recognized in a state that doesn't formally have a law regarding the usage of series. And if a series isn't recognized in a lawsuit, you'll lose all your legal protection. This means someone's attorney will "go to town" on your assets.

Unfortunately, there haven't been many cases regarding the recognition of a series from state to state. But there are a lot of good reasons and precedent suggesting a Series LLC would be recognized in any state. For example, states already recognize LLCs formed in other states.

At the end of the day, a Series LLC is still an LLC.

Is a Series LLC Too Risky?

You can always form a regular old-fashioned single-purpose LLC. However, these are more expensive than a Series LLC if you're looking to separate your assets.

If you know what the LLC costs, you may be wondering how are they more expensive? Well, you have to pay for the tax preparation for each one of those companies at the end of every year. Then you'll get a nice bill for those LLC fees too. You'll have to pay formation fees, operations fees, management fees, and registered agent fees for each LLC you create.

Those fees will cost you about $1000 every year.

In the end, all you can do is weigh your odds and consider the risk. How do you feel about the Series LLC versus the regular LLC? Let me know in the comments below, I'd love to hear your opinion as a fellow real estate investor.

A Series LLC Can Grow Forever

A Series LLC is just like a parent, so it can have as many children as it wants (unlike a normal LLC). And this might surprise you, but just like in real life, these children don't cost any extra money to create. That's true before AND after they're born.

Whereas, if you want to put 10 properties in 10 normal LLCs, you'd have to pay state filing fees for each LLC you form.

Each series in a Series LLC is going to be treated for liability purposes as if it were its own LLC. You can take advantage of this by putting one property in each series/child.

This means if you ever have a lawsuit resulting in some type of action against a house belonging to series A, it won't affect the houses held in series B or C, etc.

I forgot to mention, do you like doing joint ventures? The Series LLC is perfect for doing joint ventures!

For example, series C could be a joint venture agreement with as many people as you would like without involving the other series. It'll have its own EIN number, tax return, and its own operating agreement to conduct the business of your JV agreement.

Need Help Deciding Between an LLC vs. A Series LLC?

Royal Legal Solutions can provide professional guidance to help you make the most of your entrepreneurial dreams. Our staff understands the nuances of state laws throughout the United States and Canada. As experts, our experience can help you avoid accidentally violating the various regulations your company may encounter and maintain your limited liability.

Litigation Proof? How the Right Business Structure Can Save Your Hide

Making your company litigation-proof is like trying to make a house tornado-proof. There's a lot you can do, but there's always going to be some vulnerability there.

Business owners and investors might as well think of lawsuits as a force of nature. You can't predict them, and you can barely protect yourself from one. This is even more true once the lawsuit has been filed. These life-ruining events pick up momentum from the beginning, just like a tornado.

The reality is you will be sued as long as the conditions are right. The only thing preventing a lawsuit is the correct set of circumstances.

Don’t assume probability will save you. One in four Americans are sued in their lifetimes. Business owners and investors are even more likely than a regular Joe to be sued. It could easily happen to you!

Remember, lawsuits are like nature: they're inevitable. It's a question of when, not if, they will happen or not.

Litigation Proof: Tornado

Why Do Lawsuits Happen?

There are three conditions that make a lawsuit extremely likely. If all three are active at the same time, then a lawsuit is almost guaranteed to happen.

How To Make Your Company Litigation Proof

While there is no way to make your company immune to a lawsuit, you can definitely lower the probability of one taking place. A good asset protection plan addresses each of the conditions/steps I mentioned above. The goal is to stop, prevent, or make it extremely difficult for a plaintiff's legal team to go through each step.

So how do you make it difficult for them to go through each step? The solution is simple.

Spread out your company assets with a series LLC.

Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) prevent someone from suing you personally. You can learn how to start an LLC here. However, storing all your assets in one place is still a risky strategy. What you want to do is spread your holdings across multiple business entities. This will reduce your exposure and make it difficult for someone to determine your net worth.


Which One Protects You More From Lawsuits: An LLC or The Series LLC?

If you've got money, people want it. Lawsuits are one of the easiest, yet still legal, ways to get your money. The more money you have the more likely it is someone will try to take it from you in a lawsuit. The same applies to your LLC if you have one.

The more money or equity you have inside your individual LLC, the more attractive it's going to be for someone to sue you. And when they do, all of your assets will be caught under one legal net.

That's why, compared to an LLC, a series LLC offers far more protection for you and your assets when it comes to lawsuits.

The series LLC allows you to "compartmentalize" assets. Which simply means you can spread your assets out so in case someone does sue you, only one of your assets will be at risk. I've already written a lot about the series LLC, you're welcome to read about them here. You can also read about what the IRS thinks about an LLC here.

Today I'd like to answer a question I've never answered before, at least on this blog. I know you might be wondering...

How Much Money Will Setting Up a Series LLC Cost Me?

Our pricing packages for setting up either an LLC or Series LLC at Royal Legal Solutions range from $850 to $4000.

So why should you bother paying for an LLC when you technically don't need to have one? I hate to answer a question with a question, but I've got no choice this time! Ask yourself this: Would you rather risk losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in a lawsuit or spend a couple thousand protecting your assets?

I don't want to see you caught up in a lawsuit with your pants down. I bet you don't either. And remember, you're not just paying for an LLC when you come to Royal Legal Solutions. You're paying for our expertise, professionalism, and unwavering commitment to making sure your assets are protected from lawsuits.

Title Clouding & How To Avoid It

Time and time again, I've told you how using a Series LLC can protect you and your assets. Today, I'm going to tell you another way you can protect your assets. If you're a real estate investor, you definitely want to pay attention. Get ready to learn about title clouding.

Lis Pendens (latin for "suit pending") much like the name of your high school's prom queen, sounds nice. But it can screw you over if you're not ready for it. A Lis Pendens may be filed against your property if it's involved in a lawsuit.  If someone does file a Lis Pendens against your property, you won't be able to sell it. Not until your "legal problems" resolve themselves anyway. In the field of asset protection, we call this  "title clouding".

Why Should I Care About Title Clouding?

Title clouding is just another tactic enemy legal council will use to put pressure on you to cave in to their demands. It's a strategy favored by lawyers with costly, unreasonable demands. Think about how much money you can lose if you're not able to sell a home you bought just to flip in a short amount of time. What if you need cash and want to liquidate an asset? Title clouding can and will screw you over.

Lawsuits can take years to resolve. All the while, you have to hold on to your asset. At any time one of your properties can get hit with a Lis Pendens and force you to deal with the title clouding that comes with it. Technically, you can still sell your property while it's dealing with title clouding. But who is going to want to buy it when it's the subject of a lawsuit? Think about that question from the perspective of a real estate investor.

If your property does get hit with a Lis Pendens and you end up winning the lawsuit, you can sue whoever filed it for the monetary losses you took as a result of title clouding. And that's where I come in.

My name is Scott Smith. I'm an asset protection attorney based in Austin, Texas with clients all over North America. I'm here to help protect you and your assets from lawsuits.

Call now or schedule your consultation today. Whether you're dealing with title clouding, trying to avoid it, or just need to cover your assets, I'm here to help.

3 Key Bookkeeping Requirements For Your Series LLC

Don't turn back if you own a traditional LLC--the information about LLC bookkeeping below applies to both the traditional and series LLCs.

The series LLC is a powerful tool for real estate investors. It helps spread your assets across multiple legal entities, which protects your assets during a lawsuit.

Remember that old saying, "never put all your eggs in one basket"? A series LLC is the best way to spread your "eggs". 

As great as this structure is, it's no substitute for sloppy bookkeeping. If you as a business owner fail to abide by State requirements regarding their LLC essentially violate their agreement with that State. This leave you vulnerable to lawsuits.

LLC bookkeeping can be complex since the rules and regulations vary between States. We strongly recommend hiring a seasoned professional to help in this area. Today we’ll cover three of the most common mistakes business owners make with Series LLCs.

Mistake #1: Failing to Maintain Separation

A series LLC is multiple, individual LLCs. Each LLC within the series is distinct and needs to maintain its own records. Once you know how to start an LLC, you know that a series isn't that much more complicated (and often brings you added protections).

The purpose of the series structure is to make it easier to manage multiple businesses. It streamlines the management process. However, you should not try to combine  the different accounting records of your LLCs. Doing so can invalidate the series structure, leaving you unprotected, among other things.

Mistake #2: Not Naming a Registered Agent

Most states require your company to name an LLC registered agent, which is a physical address within the state. If this is one of the requirements in the state you filed your business, then foregoing that responsibility will invalidate your LLC and leave you unprotected.

Mistake #3: Being Unlicensed To Manage a Series LLC

Some states require you to have a special license in order to manage properties held by another entity or to run a property management company. Violating that specific state’s laws can put your series LLC in jeopardy and result in a costly lawsuit.

That's it for the requirements. But If you're interested in learning more about how to protect yourself and your assets from lawsuits, check out this article on the power of the series LLC with Anonymous Trusts.

Introducing The Anonymous Trust LLC

One day you're living life, enjoying the profits from your real estate investments. The next day you're trying to figure out how you got sued. That's life.

One in Four Americans Will Be Sued

According to a Clements Worldwide study, Americans face the greatest risk for being sued. The risk is even higher if you own real estate. Are you willing to roll the dice on your future? Investing in real estate without asset protection is like betting against the house. You might come out on top, but you're more likely to lose everything.

Asset protection was a tool of the rich for generations. Regular folk usually weren't aware of strategies to protect wealth (such as the anonymous trust LLC), or they were unable to afford it. Today these techniques are accessible to everyone, thanks in large part to the introduction of two new legal structures.

The Series LLC Structure

In the past, investors held companies under their name or a single entity. This created a jackpot scenario, where successful litigators could access the person's entire wealth. Savvy investors would spread assets between multiple entities, but creating and maintaining a host of businesses proved too expensive for most.

The series LLC changed the way assets are held. It makes it possible to spread assets across multiple holding companies, but reduces the filing and management expense to that comparable with a single LLC. For more information, learn the basics of the LLC structure.

The Anonymous Trust LLC Structure

The problem with a series LLC is that you can still be sued one property at a time. It doesn’t make you invisible. This is where an Anonymous Trust LLC comes into play.

Using a trust in this manner allows you to hide the ownership information of your company, including its assets. As a result, plaintiffs are unable to identify you or target you based on whatever juicy assets may be ripe for the picking. That information is invisible.

A Lawsuit Can Affect More Than One Property

Just because your assets are wrapped up in a traditional LLC doesn’t mean you’re protected. Unlike the series LLC, where your assets are spread out individually, a traditional LLC groups assets into one basket. While there are some legal benefits to a traditional LLC, it still leaves you vulnerable to attack.
In any case, here's a short list of what you should and shouldn't do.

Asset Protection "Do"s and "Don't"s

1. Don't Hold Property Under Your Name

Individuals have the least protection of any entity. Maintaining ownership status as yourself is the worst possible scenario and leaves you open to the maximum level of risk. A simple mishap, such as someone slipping while on your property and being denied insurance coverage, could result in a devastating legal battle and even wipe out your life savings.

It’s essential to create a company structure to hold your assets separate. This will make your legal person litigation bullet proof.

2. Don't Hold All Property in a Traditional LLC

While this is a much better scenario than personal ownership, it still leaves you exposed to losing everything under the LLC’s ownership. Which means you could lose all your assets, not just one.

A series LLC, on the other hand will offer twice as much protection.

3. Don't Leave Yourself Exposed Because You’re A “Good Person”

Lawsuits have nothing to do with whether you mean well. Instead, most lawsuits are based on accidents and misunderstandings, not fraud or malicious intent. The purpose of asset protection is to provide coverage when things don’t go as planned. Ask yourself: “Would I be comfortable giving them access to my bank account or credit card?”

4. Do Get Professional Legal Advice

It's hard to tell if your LLC was filed correctly, but there are some common areas that account for the majority of mistakes:

  1. Was the LLC properly formed and maintained (requires an operating agreement and yearly state filings)?
  2. Did you properly sign for all the contracts and business dealings?
  3. Have you filed the appropriate franchise taxes to maintain good standing?
  4. Are all records, including accounting and banking information, current and accurate?

A single technicality can invalidate your protection, which is why we always recommend consulting a specialist in the field.

Insurance Won’t Protect Your Investments

Insurance companies are in the business of collecting premiums, not protecting their clients. They routinely look for ways to deny coverage as a way of lowering their costs.

It’s always a good idea to have an insurance plan, but you shouldn't assume they will pay by default. There are a variety of ways your coverage can be reduced or denied. These range from state and local policies to your payment status or specific instances surrounding your claim.

Are You Sure You Can Count On Your Insurance Company?

Successful investors are experts and managing risk. Purchasing insurance is a good example of this, but having a Plan B takes things to the next level.

Let’s go through a fictional scenario. Imagine one of your newly acquired properties has a rotting staircase and someone accidentally trips and breaks their toe.

Most people would expect the insurance company to cover this unfortunate incident, but this time the insurance company fights back. They claim you exhibited gross negligence and are individually responsible for your guests injury.

This lands you in a tricky situation. The best case scenario is to endure a series of stressful negotiations and come out on top. Unfortunately, this doesn't always occur and you could be left holding the bag, exposing your life savings and assets in the process.

Smart risk management requires good up front decision making, such as purchasing a solid insurance plan. But it also includes having a plan for when tragedy and the unexpected strikes. In this case, it means not only carrying insurance, but protecting yourself from potential failure of your insurance.

You Can Be Fully Protected Within A Week

Did you know it's possible to create a scalable company plan in as little as a week? This plan includes both the company setup and the transfer of properties to the new legal structure, and the benefits are legion.

Compared to traditional structures, our asset protection plan provides a layered defense against lawsuits. Not only do we split your assets across various holding companies, but we veil your wealth in anonymity. This strategy makes you unappealing to most would-be plaintiffs and makes your assets inaccessible to the rest.

Most people struggle to pay the upfront costs of a lawsuit and agree to split the winnings with their attorneys. An asset protection plan for Royal Legal Solutions costs less than the typical attorney fees for a single lawsuit and lasts for a lifetime.

Lawsuit prevention is important, but cobbling together a complex network of business entities can be difficult and expensive. Each LLC requires its own filing expenses and management. It adds up fast and the maintenance doesn't scale. Compare that to our custom solution, which provides no hidden costs and comprehensive service. If you want to learn more, contact us today.