If you're a real estate investor, you need at least two LLCs. One will serve as your asset holding company, and the other will be your operating company.
Scott discusses the importance of asset protection for investors and entrepreneurs in this guest appearance with Ryan G. Wright on the Income Hacker podcast.
Scott discusses first-hand knowledge when setting up business structures to protect your assets. He also share tax savings strategies for real estate investors.
Scott shares a specific scenario that involves a lawsuit between an investor with an LLC and an investor whose assets were held in their personal name.
Scott advises that asset protection is the best way to maximize your returns and how land trusts or agent trusts can be used to make yourself judgment-proof.
Scott shares asset protection strategies including the importance of looking at all your assets and separating the ones that could have any liability attached to it.
Lodging Leaders Podcast
In this episode, Scott reveals his top ten strategy of things real estate investors need to know to protect their assets and maximize their tax savings.
Rental Property Owner & Real Estate Investor Podcast
Scott shares his advice on why you shouldn’t hold property in your personal name, traditional v.s. series LLCs, and more.
Wheelbarrow Profits with Jake and Gino
Scott gives some great advice on how to safeguard your real estate property and all of the benefits of the entities involved.
Entrepreneur on Fire
Scott drops three value bombs in this appearance involving protecting against lawsuits by structuring your assets in a way that uses anonymity.