Series LLC for Real Estate Investors in Wyoming

We love hearing from our fellow investor friends in Wyoming for a few reasons. Not only do citizens of the Cowboy State tend to be good, honest salt-of-the-earth folk, but also sharp real estate investors. So it’s no small wonder we get tons of questions about the Series LLC for Wyoming investors. It is a mighty entity. Wyomingites, here’s your quick and dirty guide.

Does Wyoming Have a Series LLC?

Wyoming is actually one of the newest adoptees of the Series LLC. They became the 18th state to legislate the entity into their existing LLC law in 2018. Big Wyoming has long been known for the powerful protections the state offers Traditional LLCs, and they extend to the Series.

That said, you need not assume that living in Wyoming means a Wyoming Series LLC is your only or best option. You can form your Series LLC in any state that permits one.

How Effective is Wyoming’s Series LLC?

We will admit that here at Royal Legal Solutions we have said we believe some states have better Series LLCs. That said, we haven’t always given Wyoming a completely fair shake. People usually ask for our top three picks, and Wyoming being such a new kid on the block has meant this is our first occasion to write in depth about the state’s entity. Generally, when folks ask us which three states we like, these are our go-to responses and reasons:

  • Texas. Low-cost to form with no state tax.
  • Delaware. This state invented the first Series LLC, and well, everyone loves the original. Local protections are strong and investors have stronger chances of being treated by their unique and notoriously pro-business Chancery Courts. Such courts are composed of judges who are experts in business law, presiding solely over business law affairs. Rulings tend to be favorable to investors.
  • Nevada. It’s also cheap to form in Nevada.

But Wyoming actually offers a very strong Series LLC. State-level asset protection laws are rather investor-generous, meaning it can be considered a top contender for some investors.

What’s the Best Series LLC for the Wyoming Investor?

We believe your Series LLC should be formed wherever serves you best personally. Wyoming investors cannot be generalized. The drawbacks and benefits of a Wyoming Series LLC vs. the alternatives we discussed above will actually vary heavily from individual to individual. What’s good for the REI goose seeking judicial protections isn’t necessarily great for the REI gander who’s content to rely on Wyoming’s strong asset protection laws.

The two best things you can do are study up on these structures and seek the advice of a qualified asset protection professional. We try to help out with regular educational materials on this badass structure for real estate investors--because we’re big believers that all REIs should at least be aware of what this entity’s capabilities are. So please feel free to get your fill of our educational resources. For example, if you haven’t yet, you should catch our short piece breaking down the biggest benefits the Series LLC gives REIs.

Scott Royal Smith
Author: Scott Royal Smith

Scott Royal Smith is an asset protection attorney and long-time real estate investor. He's on a mission to help fellow investors free their time, protect their assets, and create lasting wealth.

Last Updated: 
June 25, 2019

Scott Royal Smith is an asset protection attorney and long-time real estate investor. He's on a mission to help fellow investors free their time, protect their assets, and create lasting wealth.

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