Series LLC Record Keeping Rules

Everything should be kept on record when doing business. It is always a smart idea to have everything in writing to ensure it is all done right.

The same goes for a series LLC and a regular LLC business. Whether you have a one owner business or multiple owners in your business, you need to keep records. Here are a few different record-keeping rules to remember.

Keep Everything Separate

This means you need to keep records of each LLC within the series. A series LLC is several, individual LLCs. Each one needs to be separated and each one needs to have their own records kept. This is because each LLC in a series is distinct from the other one. The reason for a series LLC structure is to be able to manage different businesses. It keeps the management process straightforward and simple.

One thing you need to always remember about a series LLC business is to keep everything separated when record keeping. You don't want to combine them all into one. The reason is because it can leave you unprotected in the business.

Name a Registered Agent

Naming a registered agent for your series LLC is a requirement in most states. A registered agent is a physical address within the state you are located in. If this is a requirement in your state, failing to do so could leave your series LLC business without protection.

Make Sure to be Licensed to Run a Series LLC Business

Many states require business owners to have a license to run properties if they are owned by other people too or if you are managing a property management company. Not only can not being licensed to run a series LLC business put your business at risk, but you can run the risk of a lawsuit too.

Have Separate Bank Accounts

This should be something that everyone already knows since a series LLC is several, individual LLC businesses. Since you are already keeping the records separate for each cell in a series LLC, you should probably also have a separate bank account for each individual LLC in the series. By doing this, you will ensure you are being as careful as possible with everything in each LLC that is under a series.

Make sure you understand each of these series LLC record keeping rules for your series LLC. Also, make sure to abide by all of them and other rules there may be beside these main ones above.

Scott Royal Smith
Author: Scott Royal Smith

Scott Royal Smith is an asset protection attorney and long-time real estate investor. He's on a mission to help fellow investors free their time, protect their assets, and create lasting wealth.

Last Updated: 
April 24, 2018

Scott Royal Smith is an asset protection attorney and long-time real estate investor. He's on a mission to help fellow investors free their time, protect their assets, and create lasting wealth.

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