Remembering these tips will not only help you make more money, but they'll also keep your friends at the IRS happy!
So I realize you might be wondering...
A self-directed IRA LLC offers you the ability to use your retirement funds to make almost any type of investment. The IRS permits using this legal entity to purchase real estate or raw land. Making a real estate investment is as simple as writing a check from your Self-Directed IRA bank account.
The advantage of purchasing real estate with your self-directed IRA LLC is that all gains are tax-deferred until a distribution is taken (pre-tax 401k distributions are not required until you turn 70 1/2). In the case of a Roth Self-Directed IRA, all gains are tax-free.
For example, if you purchased real estate with your self-directed IRA LLC for $500,000 and you later sold the property for $800,000, the $300,000 of gain appreciation would generally be tax-deferred.
If you purchased the property using personal funds (non-retirement funds), the gain would be subject to federal income tax and probably state income tax as well. (Which obviously sucks.)
If you have any questions about investing in real estate with a self-directed IRA LLC, Royal Legal Solutions is here to help you.
Scott Royal Smith is an asset protection attorney and long-time real estate investor. He's on a mission to help fellow investors free their time, protect their assets, and create lasting wealth.
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