State-by-State Fair Housing Agencies

The Federal Housing Act prohibits landlords from discriminating based on color, race, national origin, religion, age, disability, sex, and familial status. These attributes are referred to as a protected category. This means that you should avoid doing the following when dealing with tenants:

  • Advertise or make statements indicating limitation or preference based on any of the personal attributes in the protected category.
  • Falsely claim that a rental unit is unavailable.
  • Have more restrictive rules or refuse to rent to certain groups. For example, when dealing with tenants who have an addiction to drugs or alcohol.
  • You shouldn’t set different terms, privileges, or conditions for rental such as demanding a larger deposit from some tenants or having an inconsistent policy of dealing with delayed rent payments.

If a tenant believes they have experienced housing discrimination, they can always contact HUD for assistance. They can also go through the tons of housing and discrimination resources available on the HUD website. In addition, they can contact their state’s fair housing agency as detailed below. The matter may be handled by the state attorney general’s office, a civil or human rights agency, or a fair housing commission.


While the Federal Fair Housing Act applies in all U.S. states, there are slight state by state variances in landlord-tenant statutes. Here are some resources to guide you on how to deal with tenant discrimination in your state.

State by State Fair Housing Agencies


Detailed information on the Alabama landlord obligations and tenant rights.


Important fair housing resources for landlords in Alaska from the regional HUD office based in Seattle.


An overview of the Arizona fair housing laws from the office of the Attorney General.


Learn about the fair housing laws and the Arkansas Civil Rights Act (1993).


Details about how the Department of Fair Employment and Housing in California investigates complaints on tenant discrimination.


Read about the fair housing training given by the Civil Rights Division of Colorado.


Details on the manner in which the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities deals with tenant discrimination complaints.


Go through the fair housing laws and the diversity training program of Delaware.

District of Columbia

Learn how to go about making a tenant discrimination complaint and how long it takes at the Office of Human Rights.


The fair housing laws in Florida and how investigations are carried out.


Read on the fair housing rights of tenants in Georgia.


The details of fair housing laws in Hawaii and the landlords exempted from the provisions.


How discrimination complaints and fair housing laws are handled in the state of Idaho.


Go through the brochures detailing the tenant discrimination laws and the complaint process in Illinois.


Useful information on the handling of the fair housing laws by the Civil Rights Commission of Indiana.


Find out about the protected classes under the Iowa fair housing laws.


Important information about the fair housing laws for landlords in Kansas from the regional HUD office.


Find out how the Commission on Human Rights in Kentucky handles complaints about tenant discrimination.


Resources about the fair housing laws in Louisiana.


Here’s some information about the complaint process for tenant discrimination in Maine.


Information and resources about fair housing from the Commission on Civil Rights in Maryland.


How complaints about fair housing are handled in Massachusetts by the Commission Against Discrimination.


How the Civil Rights Department of Michigan handles fair housing discrimination.


Some useful information about fair housing for landlords in Minnesota.


Fair housing tips for landlords in Mississippi from the Regional HUD office in Atlanta.


A snapshot of the process of filing a discrimination complaint in Missouri.


Information about fair housing in Montana for landlords.


The process of filing a tenant discrimination complaint in Nebraska.


Information from the HUD Regional office in Denver about fair housing.

New Hampshire

Learn about the New Hampshire fair housing information from the Regional HUD office in Boston.

New Jersey

The rule on Multiple Dwelling Reporting and other important information about the fair housing law in New Jersey.

New Mexico

Resources for landlords in New Mexico about fair housing regulations from the HUD regional office in Fort Worth.

New York

Tenant discrimination laws in New York and how to go about filing a complaint.

North Carolina

An overview of the state fair housing laws in North Carolina.

North Dakota

Important information about how the Human Rights Division in North Dakota handles tenant discrimination complaints.


Tips for landlords in Ohio on how to respond to a tenant discrimination complaint.


Information and resources from the HUD Regional Office in Fort Worth about fair housing laws.


How fair housing laws are handled in Oregon.


Information about landlord discrimination and tenant rights in Pennsylvania.

Rhode Island

Fair housing laws in the state of Rhode Island.

South Carolina

Details from the HUD regional office in Atlanta about the process of filing discrimination complaints.

South Dakota

Fair housing rules for landlords in South Dakota from the HUD office based in Denver.


A guide on how to file complaints about tenant discrimination in Tennessee.


Valuable information about procedures and complaints about housing discrimination in Texas.


How to file housing discrimination complaints in Utah.


Learn about housing discrimination in Vermont.


Laws governing landlord discrimination and procedures for filing a complaint in Virginia.


A breakdown of the complaint process for tenant discrimination in Washington.

West Virginia

How tenant discrimination is handled in West Virginia by the Human Rights commission.


Tips for landlords about fair housing discrimination from the HUD office in Chicago.


Fair housing tips for landlords in Wyoming from the HUD regional office in Denver.
At Royal Legal Solutions, we can help you navigate the legal minefield set before you in your dealings with tenants. Contact us today and we’ll help you understand and comply with all legal requirements in your state.

Scott Royal Smith
Author: Scott Royal Smith

Scott Royal Smith is an asset protection attorney and long-time real estate investor. He's on a mission to help fellow investors free their time, protect their assets, and create lasting wealth.

Last Updated: 
May 13, 2018

Scott Royal Smith is an asset protection attorney and long-time real estate investor. He's on a mission to help fellow investors free their time, protect their assets, and create lasting wealth.

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